What is Biddow?

How old must I be to use Biddow?

Is Biddow safe for me to use?

What items can I sell on Biddow?

How do I use the searching function?

How do I list an item for sale?

How do I update my profile?

How do I update my account?

How do I send messages?

How do I add friends?

How do I save an item to my watchlist?

How do I make a payment?

How do I leave or view feedback?

How can I solve transaction issues?

How much does Biddow charge?

I need help! What do I do?

What is Biddow?

Based in the United States Biddow is an e-commerce retail platform that facilitates individuals and busyness owners to sell their products online. It is similar to ebay, Etsy and Amazon but has unique features and advantages. First, Biddow charges ZERO transaction fees no matter how much a seller sells! In this way sellers can keep more money in their pockets and buyers can get better deals. Second, Biddow has strict requirement of merchandise qualities. Experts are hired to manually examine each listing to remove fake items or misleading descriptions. Third, only US residents can sell items on Biddow.

Biddow only accepts US sellers because we noticed that online shopping has been flooded with low-quality and fake products from international retailers. Because these products are shipped in numerous small postal packages, Customs can do nothing about them. After entering the US, these problematic products often make customers suffer lost and cause safety and health issues. Moreover, because they are relatively cheap they often dominate the market, making it difficult for honest companies and retailers to survive. Ironically, the US government even pays millions to aid such unfair trading behavior: because of an old international postal agreement, businesses in developing countries can mail small packages to the United States at a hefty discount, which makes the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) lost $170 million every year!

Please note that Biddow is not an anti-globalization corporation. Foreign products are welcome to be sold on Biddow. We encourage sellers to import international products and resell them in the US. In this way the products can be better examined by Customs officers so that their quality can be ensured; government can collect importation tax; USPS won't lose money due to the international shipping discount; and our local factories and workers have a fair place to compete.

How old must I be to use Biddow?

If you are under 18 you are allowed to open an account and use Biddow, but you should be guided by a parent or guardian. Minors under 14 are not allowed to open accounts on Biddow. For more information please see our terms of use and policy.

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Is Biddow safe for me to use?

Biddow doesn't collect your personal information without your permission. This makes Biddow reasonably safe to use. However, it is your responsibility to always be careful when communicating with others online.

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What items can I sell on Biddow?

You can only sell items that can be legally traded online. Items that are not allowed to trade at Biddow includes but not limited to: alcohol, wildlife, restricted or regulated drug, firearms, weapons, hazardous materials, human remains and body parts, lock picking devices , police-related items and stolen properties.

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You can access the searching function easily at the top left of the Biddow home page. Here you can find several searching filters, a keyword input place and a submit button.

a) The Category filer allows you to narrow down your search.

b) The within filer defines your searching area: world or country.

c) The "Sorting" filter sets the order of the search results. It has four options. By choosing the "Newest first" option, the most recently posted services will be shown first. "Oldest first" is the opposite. If you want to view the cheapest service first, you can choose the "Lowest first" option, while the "Highest first" option is the opposite.

d) The "Key words" filter is a place for you to input words that must exist in the service title. This can help you refine your search and find exactly what you're looking for.

After you set up those filters, click the Go button to get the results. If you didn't find the service or job posts that you want, try changing or removing some of your filters to get more results.

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How do I list an item for sale?

Once you've logged in, go to your dashboard and click the "Listings" button in the navigation bar. If you are using a small screen device such as a tablet or smart-phone, you need to click the Menu button to show the navigation bar. Your previously saved or listed services or jobs, if any, will be shown here. You can edit or delete each by clicking the "Edit" or "Delete" button.

If you want to publish a new listing, just click the "List a new one" button at the bottom. Then you need to input the title. To draw more attention, you can use as many key words as possible. Then you can give more details in the description field. If you aren't finished and want to save this for later use, just leave the radio button below the description field as "inactive", or you can publish it right away by turning the button to "Active". Then click "Create." That's it!

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How do I update my profile?

Your profile will be automatically generated once you've registered your account, but it will be almost empty. You need to update your profile in order to help others get to know you better. You can do this by going to your dashboard and clicking the "Profile" button in the navigation bar. Then click the "Edit" button at the bottom of the newly opened page.

Firstly, you may want to upload a picture that better represents you. This picture will be visible to the public. If you don't want other people to know what you look like, you can use a picture other than your personal photo. Please use a picture that won't cause any licensing problems. You can further introduce yourself in the "self-introduction" field. You can write about the rules of your store in the "general service information" area, which will be automatically shown at the end of each service that you publish. The last input field is "Payment methods", where you can let others know how you accept payment, such as using PayPal, Google Pay, e-check, and more.

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How do I update my account?

If you need to update your account information, you can access it through Dashboard -> Account. Here you can change your username, password, email, first name, last name, age, gender and the country where you live. If you want to be a seller on Biddow you will need to provide your paypal account so that we can collect payment from your buyers and send it to you.

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How do I send messages?

Biddow has a message module that you can find on your dashboard. You can also access this module by clicking "send a message" on the profile page or the service page of another Biddow member. You can find previous messages of a contact by clicking his or her username on the message panel. If someone sends you a message, you will receive an email notice and there will be a notice on your dashboard.

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How do I add friends?

In order to add friends, click the "Add friend" button on the profile page or the service information page of an Biddow member. Before sending files or placing orders, make sure you add each other as friends. You can view and edit your friend list at your dashboard -> Favorite page.

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How do I save an item to my watchlist?

To save an item for later use, click the "Add to watch list" button on the listing information page. You can view and edit your saved items at your dashboard -> Watchlist .

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How do I make a payment?

Currently Biddow accepts Paypal only.

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How do I leave or view feedback?

Customers can leave feedback in both text and scores. These will be recorded and shown in the provider's profile.

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How can I solve transaction issues?

If you have issues with a transaction, please contact the seller and figure out a solution. If it doesn't work. You can contact customer service for help.

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How much does Biddow charge?

The spirit of Biddow is to provide a fair place to trade. Earning money is not our priority. Unlike all other online shopping platforms, Biddow doesn't charge transaction fees and member fees. For each listing, sellers only need to pay $0.2 insertion fee, which will be auto-renewed every 3 months. When the item is sold, sellers need to pay 2.9% and $0.3 payment processing fee, which was charged not by Biddow but by payment processing companies such as Paypal. Such processing fee is charged by all online shopping platforms. We cannot bypass it now but are working hard trying to figure out solutions to reduce it in future.

I need help! What do I do?

If you have any questions or need help, please send emails to customer@Biddow.com

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